Lean Circularity
We profit and fail based on our perspectives. They come from our routines, which allows us to maneuver that conveyor belt we call life. Were these the results we were hoping for? Who has time to reflect?
Maybe….just maybe…that might be the root cause.
Lean manufacturing was born in Japan about 70 years ago, and the results created could fulfill that goal we have to make sure the climate doesn’t get much worse than it was yesterday.
When you have little, you are compelled to utilize what you have. No waste was the motto of lean manufacturing since its inception. Do you reach your goal all at once? Hardly. First of all, you have to take stock of what you have. I don’t know about you, but I am continuously amazed by what I own….and I see myself as a minimalist!
OK. We’ve taken stock. What can we get rid of right away? I am not referring exclusively to physical items. Are there habits we have that are wasteful? I find myself continuously ashamed of habits I catch myself in; electricity, water, heat wasted….just to name a few.
What about those things that will take a bit more work? I have come to the conclusion the beginning is a good place to start.
Have we built into our new and improved processes some sort of continuous validation? Yes, these are the outcomes we want. Here are the outcomes. Do they match the desired results? Better to find out earlier that our habits need correction.
Now that we have become sustainable, how about striving for growth. In lean parlance, it’s called continual process improvement, and you need to bring along others to join in the fun. Autonomy and mastery are hallmarks of lean. Circular mastery sounds like a great goal to strive towards.
Reflection also means that we take a moment or two to relish in our accomplishments, either on your own or as a group. The framing of fear and failure brings no added value to me. I tend to think you are not too much different.